API Reference

This page contains comprehensive API documentation for the Python SDK. If you're looking to get started quickly, visit our quick start or our framework-specific guides.

The source code can be found on GitHub.


convert_to_pkcs8(private_key: str) -> str

Converts a private key in PKCS1 format to PKCS8.


private_key (str) Private key as a string.


Exception if private key is invalid.


str Private key in PKCS8 format.


generate_code_challenge(code_verifier: str) -> str

Calculates the S256 code challenge for a provided code verifier.


code_verifier (str) The code verifier.


str The calculated code challenge.


generate_code_verifier(length=43) -> str

Generates the random code verifier.


length (int, optional) The length of the code verifier to generate. Defaults to 43.


Exception if length is <43 or >128.


str: The generated code verifier.


generate_pkce_pair(length=43) -> GeneratePkcePairReturn

class GeneratePkcePairReturn(NamedTuple):
    code_verifier: str
    code_challenge: str

Generates a challenge pair where code_challenge is the generated S256 hash from code_verifier.


length (int, optional) The length of the code verifier. Defaults to 43.


Exception if length is <43 or >128.


GeneratePkcePairReturn: Code challenge and code verifier.


Class which allows you to interact with the sgID API.


    client_id: str,
    client_secret: str,
    private_key: str,
    redirect_uri: str | None = None,
    hostname: str = "https://api.id.gov.sg",

Initialises an SgidClient instance.


client_id (str) Client ID provided during client registration.

client_secret (str) Client secret provided during client registration.

private_key (str) Client private key provided during client registration.

redirect_uri (str | None, optional) Redirection URI for user to return to your application after login. If not provided in the constructor, this must be provided to the authorization_url and callback functions. Defaults to None.

hostname (str, optional) Hostname of OpenID provider (sgID). Defaults to "https://api.id.gov.sg".


Exception if private key is invalid.


    code_challenge: str,
    state: str | None = None,
    redirect_uri: str | None = None,
    scope: str | list[str] = "openid myinfo.name",
    nonce: str | None = secrets.token_urlsafe(32),
) -> AuthorizationUrlReturn

class AuthorizationUrlReturn(NamedTuple):
    url: str
    nonce: str | None

Generates authorization url to redirect end-user to sgID login page.


code_challenge (str) The code challenge generated from generate_pkce_pair().

state (str | None, optional) A string which will be passed back to your application once the end-user logs in. You can also use this to track per-request state.

redirect_uri (str | None, optional) The redirect URI used in the authorization request. If this param is provided, it will be used instead of the redirect URI provided in the SgidClient constructor. If not provided in the constructor, the redirect URI must be provided here. Defaults to None.

scope (str | list[str]) "openid" must be provided as a scope. Defaults to "openid myinfo.name".

nonce (str | None, optional) Unique nonce for this request. If this param is not provided, a nonce is generated and returned. To prevent this behaviour, specify None for this param. Defaults to secrets.token_urlsafe(32).


Exception if redirect URI is provided in neither the constructor nor this function.


AuthorizationUrlReturn: Authorization URL and nonce.


    code: str,
    code_verifier: str,
    nonce: str | None = None,
    redirect_uri: str | None = None,
) -> CallbackReturn

class CallbackReturn(NamedTuple):
    sub: str
    access_token: str

Exchanges authorization code for access token.


code (str) The authorization code received from the authorization server.

code_verifier (str) The code verifier corresponding to the code challenge that was passed to authorization_url for this request.

nonce (str | None, optional) Nonce passed to authorization_url for this request. Specify None if no nonce was passed to authorization_url. Defaults to None.

redirect_uri (str | None, optional) The redirect URI used in the authorization request. If not specified, defaults to the one passed to the SgidClient constructor.


Exception if call to token endpoint fails.

Exception if call to JWKS endpoint fails.

Exception if ID token validation fails.

Exception if access token validation fails.


CallbackReturn: The sub (subject identifier claim) of the user and access token. The subject identifier claim is the end-user's unique ID.


userinfo(sub: str, access_token: str) -> UserInfoReturn

class UserInfoReturn(NamedTuple):
    sub: str
    data: dict

Retrieves verified user info and decrypts it with your private key.


sub (str) The sub returned from the callback function.

access_token (str) The access token returned from the callback function.


Exception if call to userinfo endpoint fails.

Exception if sub returned from userinfo endpoint does not match sub passed to this function.

Exception if decryption fails.


UserInfoReturn: The sub of the end-user and the end-user's verified data. The sub returned is the same as the one passed in the params.

Last updated